This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure, it often kicks back just when you think you are better. 这种寒热病好起来很慢,它经常会在你认为已好转时复发。
Many people wanted to buy it and the man's young assistant moved quickly through the crowd collecting money and handing out bottles of the cold cure. 很多人想买药,那人的年轻助手迅速穿行于人群中,一边收钱,一边递药。
Coca Cola is a cold beverage but it is served as a hot one in different countries as a cure for cold. 可口可乐是冷饮,但是在一些国家人们会用热的可口可乐来治感冒。
As celebrities and everyday people alike braved a bucket of ice cold water for a cause, donations to help find a cure for the illness hit almost$ 100 million. 因为名人和群众以同样的方式勇敢参与冰桶挑战,为帮助这种疾病的治愈募集了几乎1亿美元。
Do you keep any cold cure? 你有感冒药吗?
They are widely used in high elastic resilient cold cure, microporous elastomer and semi-rigid polyurethane foam plastics. 广泛应用于高回弹冷熟化,微孔弹性体及半硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料制品。
Because its failure may be just the wake-up call the world has needed the splash of cold water that may finally get us to face the facts about what works and what does not work to cure climate change. 因为这次会议的失败或许正是唤醒世界的一记必要的警钟泼到我们头上的冷水,或许终于促使我们正视现实,明白要抑制气候变化,什么会起作用,什么不会起作用。
When the utility model is used, the cold and hot aerosol inhalation spray inhalation or drug fumigating cure can be selected according to individual demands. 本机使用时可根据个人需要选择冷、热雾化吸入或药物薰疗。
Merrill Lynch, Tylenol can bring down a fever, to alleviate cold symptoms, but does not cure. 美林,泰诺都可以退烧,缓解感冒症状,但不治病。
He went through cold turkey to cure his heroin addiction. 他通过完全戒毒疗法来治疗他的吸海洛因瘾。
Cold Deposit Cure Alimentary Canal Bleeding of Experience 冷沉淀用于上消化道大出血的体会
The manufacture process was improved from the first cold bonding-post curing to primary cure by using the mold having chevron cell, and the adhesion strength between the chevron type of pattern and the belt body was improved, and the conveyance capability was significantly increased. 制作工艺由起初的冷粘合二次硫化改进为在硫化机上加装人字花纹模具一次整体硫化,提高了花纹和带体间的粘合强度,明显地增加了输送带的输送量;
In traditional Chinese medicine pain occurs, use the scattered by the temperature, cold dehumidification effect such as promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis dredging, to achieve significant analgesic effect, And to achieve the purpose of cure. 在疼痛发作时,运用中药的温经散寒除湿,行气活血化瘀等功效,来达到明显的止痛效果,并能达到根治的目的。
Cold outside to the inside, resulting in meridian block barrier, the phlegm network, Huangqi Guizhi Wu Tang main square, plus active effective remedy to cure and Er Chen Tang. 风寒由表及里,造成经络阻滞不通,痰瘀阻络,则用黄芪桂枝五物汤为主方,加用活络效灵丹和二陈汤。